Capitol Physiotherapy exists to serve people who choose action. We are experts in treating people in the second half of life who are active or want to become active!

Today, too much physiotherapy care is still passive - think tingly machines and lying on a treatment table with an ice bag - and delivered in short sessions where the patient is rushed through a busy clinician’s day. We know now that when people are active participants in the treatment process outcomes are better. We believe that it takes time to develop strong therapeutic relationships so the best care happens over a 45 minute or hour-long session, and that people do best with a personalized treatment plan that fits the unique context of their life.

Physiotherapy, in action.

Orthopaedic Physiotherapy

Our approach is grounded in the belief that we treat people, not only their injuries. We specialize in a clientele who have a certain amount of life experience and chose action!

With an emphasis on movement and the body-mind connection we are here to get you back to the pursuits you love. Are you in your 5th, 6th, or 7th decade (or beyond!) and finding that you’d like some support in continuing to pursue your favourite activities? We are experts in ensuring you have the tools and training you need to feel and move your best at all stages of life!

If you are experiencing pain or injury, are having trouble recovering, or would just like to feel a bit better in your day-to-day life - we can help.

Have you:

  • hurt yourself in the garden?

  • lifted too much weight in the gym?

  • got a nagging pain when out for a run?

  • felt like you want more energy and to feel stronger?

  • been sidelined with back pain?

We are here to help!


Strength & Conditioning

Are you a runner, barbell athlete, CrossFitter, weekend warrior, triathlete, or just someone who loves to get out there and get after it?

Our clinicians have a decade of experience helping people get strong & fit so they can stay out of pain and do more of what they love!

We are experts in training and educating clients of all movement backgrounds in the fundamentals of strength & conditioning. We work with people of all ability levels: from a beginner who wants to learn the basics and feel more confident in the gym to an experienced lifter dealing with a complex training issue.

Have you ever:

  • wanted to learn how to squat a barbell?

  • felt intimidated in the gym?

  • decided to up your running milage only to get injured?

  • plateaued and not been able to lift more weight?

  • had pain with specific loaded movements?

We are here to help!

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about our clinicians and space?